Case studies

Before we proceed with some case studies, we need to import the pylsewave modules. The modules are either pure pythonic or pre-compiled (with gcc) via Cython and C/C++. The following code is recommended to be placed at the top of every script. In particular, the following imports should be made when using pure python modules:

Implementation: Import python pylsewave modules

from pylsewave.mesh import Vessel, VesselNetwork
from pylsewave.pdes import PDEm, PDEsWat
from pylsewave.bcs import BCs, BCsWat
from pylsewave.viz import PlotAndStoreSolution
from pylsewave.interpolate import CubicSpline
from pylsewave.nonlinearsolvers import Newton_system_conj_points
from pylsewave.fdm import BloodWaveMacCormack, BloodWaveLaxWendroff
from pylsewave.pwconsts import *

Now, if we want to use more efficient classes, the pylsewave.cynum module should be imported:

Implementation: Import python pylsewave modules

from pulsewavepy.cynum import (cPDEsWat, cBCsWat, cBCsHandModelNonReflBcs,
                               cMacCormackSolver, cLaxWendroffSolver)

More comments on the above classes and functions can be found in the following case studies.

Upper extremity model

Methodology/implementaion (1)

Firstly, the pulse wave propagation in an upper extremity model (see Figure (Upper extremity model)) is demonstrated. Seven arterial segments comprise the presented vasculature. The geometrical along with material vessel parameter information of this model network can be found in the following table:

No. Vessel name \(L\) \(R_p\) \(R_d\) \(W_{th}\) E
1 Axilliary R 12.00 0.230 0.208 0.067 0.4
2 Brachial R 22.311 0.208 0.183 0.067 0.4
  1. Radial
30.089 0.138 0.138 0.043 0.8
  1. Ulnar; I
2.976 0.141 0.141 0.046 0.8
  1. Interosseous
1.627 0.096 0.096 0.028 1.6
6 Posterior interosseous R 23.056 0.068 0.068 0.028 1.6
  1. Ulnar ;II
23.926 0.141 0.141 0.046 0.8

As can be seen in Figure (Upper extremity model), a pulse pressure waveform and three lumped-parameter models were prescribed at the inlet and the outlets, respectively.


Upper extremity model

As a first step, we define a function that computes the local wave speed with the emprirical relationship presented in Olufsen et al. [Ref12]:

Implementation: Define empirical wave speed relationship

# function to calculate c with empirical relationship
def compute_c(R0, k):
    k1, k2, k3 = k
    return np.sqrt((2/(3.*rho))*(k2*np.exp(k3*R0) + k1))

Before we start with the analysis, we have to read the vessel information from a data file stored somewhere in our computer. In this example, we always use a separate folder with the name "data".

Implementation: Load the segments

filename = "./data/Arterial_Network_ADAN56.txt"
data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter="&", dtype=np.str)
# we need the following Id vessels
indexes = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]  # create filter
data = data[indexes]

Then, on the upper part of our script, we define some simulation constant parameters

Implementation: Simulation constant parameters

# define the stiffness k vector
# Mynard et al. 2015
k = np.array([33.7e-03, 0.3, -0.9])

# blood density along with dynamic and kinematic viscosity
mu = 4.0e-09
rho = 1.04e-9
nu = mu/rho
# Period of one cycle
T_cycle = 0.8
# number of cycles
tc = 4
# total period
T = T_cycle*tc
# transmural pressure
p0 = 0.

At the very beginning, we have to define the mesh which in our case is consisted of different elements representing the arterial segments. Each element can be described with an object instance initiated via the class Vessel. The code snipset is as follows:

Implementation: Load the segments

# -------  LOAD ARTERIAL SEGMENTS  ------- #
segments = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    # we append each segment via a Vessel object instance
    # we multiply by 10 to convert to mm
    segments.append(Vessel(name=data[i, 1],
                    L=float(data[i, 2]) * 10.,
                    R_proximal=float(data[i, 3]) * 10.,
                    R_distal=float(data[i, 4]) * 10.,
                    Wall_thickness=float(data[i, 5])*10.,
    # set k vector

In the code block above, we create a list containing all the segments of the arterial tree. Next, we have to define the inlet boundary condition, where in this case, is an in-vivo interpolated pressure waveform in the aortic arch (c.f. figure (Inlet pressure prescribed at the axilliary artery)) found in Zambanini and colleagues [Ref15]. We have to convert the waveform to a nth-cycle periodic waveform (in this case, we used four cycles). The code is as follows:


Inlet pressure prescribed at the axilliary artery

Implementation: Inlet BCs

# -------  INFLOW (IN VIVO) WAVE  ------- #
invivo_data_brachial_p = np.loadtxt("./data/brachial_p_zambanini_invivo.txt", delimiter=",")
time_measured = invivo_data_brachial_p[:, 0]
pressure_measured = invivo_data_brachial_p[:, 1]*0.00013332239 # convert to MPa
time_periodic, pressure_periodic = convert_data_periodic(time_measured, pressure_measured, tc, True)

p_inlet_bc = CubicSpline(time_periodic, pressure_periodic)

At each terminal vessel, a three element Windkessel parameter model has been prescribed. The parameter are defined via an dictionary where each key corresponds to the vessel Id that the lumped model is applied.

Implementation: Outlet BCs (Windkessel parameters)

# -------  TERMINAL VESSELS  ------- #
terminal_vessels = {2: [11539., 46155., 4.909e-06], 5: [47813., 191252., 1.185e-06],
                    6: [11749., 46995., 4.821e-06]}

for i in terminal_vessels.keys():
    terminal_vessels[i][0] = terminal_vessels[i][0]*1e-010
    terminal_vessels[i][1] = terminal_vessels[i][1]*1e-010
    terminal_vessels[i][2] = terminal_vessels[i][2]*1e+010
    # insert RLC data to each terminal vessel
    R_1 = terminal_vessels[i][0]
    R_2 = terminal_vessels[i][1]
    C = terminal_vessels[i][2]
    segments[i].RLC = {"R_1": R_1, "R_t": R_2, "C_t": C}

Next, the connectivity of the arterial segment should be defined. Therefore, two lists with vessel connectivity are provided; one for the conjuctions and one for the bifurcations.

Implementation: Segment connectivity

# -------  BIFURCATIONS  ------- #
bif_vessels = [[1, 2, 3],
               [3, 4, 6]]

# -------  CONJUCTIONS  ------- #
conj_points = [[0, 1],
               [4, 5]]

To create the mesh instance, we use the "Vessel Network" class as follows:

Implementation: Create mesh

# create the Arterial Network domain/mesh
Nx = None
vesssel_network = VesselNetwork(vessels=segments,
                                rho=rho, Re=0.,
                                p0=p0, dx=4.5, Nx=Nx)

In order to discretise the segments, first, we calculate the following quantity

\[\tag{76} min \left( \frac{L_i}{max(|\lambda_i|)} \right)\]

Implementation: Calculate CFL

# check CFL and set dx accordingly
siz_ves = len(vesssel_network.vessels)
compare_l_c0 = []
for i in range(siz_ves):
    c_max = np.max(compute_c(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r0, k))
    A = np.pi*(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r_prox*vesssel_network.vessels[i].r_prox)
    compare_l_c0.append(vesssel_network.vessels[i].length / c_max)

min_value = min(compare_l_c0)
index_min_value = np.argmin(compare_l_c0)
print("The min length to wave speed radio has been computed to Vessel: '%s' " % vesssel_network.vessels[index_min_value].name)

# Nx_i = 1
min_time = []
for i in range(siz_ves):
    Nx_i = 10*np.floor((vesssel_network.vessels[i].length / compute_c(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r_prox, k))/(min_value))
    dx_i = vesssel_network.vessels[i].length / Nx_i
    vesssel_network.vessels[i].dx = dx_i
    min_time.append(dx_i / np.max(compute_c(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r0, k)))

# calculate dt according to a given CFL
CFL = 0.5
dt = CFL * (min(min_time))

PylseWave can store a solution in a compressed result file. First, we have to define a name for the simulation run and then we create a callback function that will write results in a user-defined style. This is demonstrated in the following code

Implementation: Simulation name and user-defined callback function

# give a name for the output database file
casename = "/results/Hand_model_Python_10Nx_CFL05"

# callback function to store solution
number_of_frames = 200
skip = int(round(T / dt)) / number_of_frames
umin = 0.1
umax = 1.5
myCallback = PlotAndStoreSolution(casename=casename, umin=umin,
                                  umax=umax, skip_frame=skip,
                                  screen_movie=True, backend=None,

The next step is to define the form of the PDE system along with the BCs:

Implementation: Create PDEs and BCs instances

# Python classes
# PDEs #
myPDEs = PDEsWat(vesssel_network)
# BCS #
myBCs = BCsWat(myPDEs, p_inlet_bc.eval_spline)
U0_vessel = np.array([0],
UL_vessel = np.array(terminal_vessels.keys())
UBif_vessel = np.array(bif_vessels)
UConj_vessel = np.array(conj_points)

Lastly, we have to create a solver instance. In this case, a MacCormack FD solver is used to solve the pulse wave propagation problem in the upper extremity vasculature. In the solver, we have to insert the instances of PDEs, BCs along with the case name and the callback function. The code for the solution is

Implementation: Solve

# create Solver instance, here we use MacCormack
mySolver = BloodWaveMacCormack(myBCs)
mySolver.set_T(dt=dt, T=T, no_cycles=tc)
mySolver.set_BC(U0_vessel, UL_vessel, UBif_vessel, UConj_vessel)
mySolver.solve(casename, myCallback)

Results/Discussion (1)

When the solution is stored into a result file, pylseWave can convert it to a VTK file.

Result videos can be produced in Paraview as:


Radius, pressure, flow and velocity of the simulated model

A detailed arterial network

Methodology/implementaion (2)

A detailed arterial tree (see Figure (Detailed representation of human arterial system)) described in Boileau et al. [Ref09] is adopted to simulate the pulse wave propagation via the pylsewave toolkit. This arterial tree is consisted of 77 arterial segments. The geometrical and material characteristics of the arterial tree can be found in the following Table.

No. Vessel name \(L\) \(R_p\) \(R_d\) \(W_{th}\) E
1 Aortic ;arch ; I 7.441 1.595 1.295 0.126 0.4
2 Brachiocephalic trunk 4.735 0.673 0.616 0.126 0.4
3 Aortic ;arch ; II 0.960 1.295 1.257 0.080 0.4
  1. Subclavian; R I
1.574 0.490 0.418 0.067 0.4
5 Common R. Carotid 8.122 0.448 0.333 0.063 0.4
  1. Vertebral
20.445 0.134 0.134 0.045 0.8
  1. Subclavian; II
4.112 0.418 0.230 0.067 0.4
8 Axilliary R 12.00 0.230 0.208 0.067 0.4
9 Brachial R 22.311 0.208 0.183 0.067 0.4
  1. Radial
30.089 0.138 0.138 0.043 0.8
  1. Ulnar; I
2.976 0.141 0.141 0.046 0.8
  1. Interosseous
1.627 0.096 0.096 0.028 1.6
13 Posterior interosseous R 23.056 0.068 0.068 0.028 1.6
  1. Ulnar ;II
23.926 0.141 0.141 0.046 0.8
  1. External ;Carotid
6.090 0.227 0.227 0.045 0.8
  1. Internal ;Carotid
13.211 0.277 0.277 0.042 0.8
17 Common carotid L 12.132 0.448 0.333 0.042 0.8
18 Aortic Arch ;III 0.698 1.257 1.228 0.115 0.4
19 External L. Carotid 6.090 0.227 0.227 0.063 0.4
  1. Internal ;Carotid
13.211 0.277 0.277 0.045 0.8
  1. Subclavian ;I
4.938 0.490 0.348 0.066 0.4
22 Aortic Arch ;IV 4.306 1.228 1.055 0.115 0.4
23 Thoracic Aorta; I 0.990 1.055 1.036 0.110 0.4
24 Vertebral L 20.415 0.134 0.134 0.045 0.8
  1. Subclavian; II
4.112 0.348 0.230 0.067 0.4
26 Axilliary L 12.00 0.230 0.208 0.067 0.4
27 Brachial L 22.311 0.208 0.183 0.067 0.4
  1. Radial
31.088 0.138 0.138 0.043 0.8
  1. Ulnar; I
2.976 0.141 0.141 0.046 0.8
30 Common Interosseous L 1.627 0.096 0.096 0.028 1.6
31 Posterior Interosseous L 23.056 0.068 0.068 0.028 1.6
  1. Ulnar; II
23.926 0.141 0.141 0.046 0.8
33 Posterior Intercostals R I 19.688 0.140 0.140 0.049 0.4
34 Thoracic; Aorta; II 0.788 1.036 1.022 0.100 0.4
35 Posterior Intercostals L I 17.803 0.140 0.140 0.049 0.4
36 Thoracic; Aorta; III 1.556 1.022 0.992 0.100 0.4
37 Posterior Intercostals R II 20.156 0.155 0.155 0.049 0.4
38 Thoracic; Aorta; IV 0.533 0.992 0.982 0.100 0.4
39 Posterior Intercostals L II 18.518 0.155 0.155 0.049 0.4
40 Thoracic; Aorta; V 12.156 0.982 0.754 0.100 0.4
41 Thoracic; Aorta; VI 0.325 0.754 0.749 0.100 0.4
42 Celiac; trunk 1.682 0.335 0.321 0.064 0.4
43 Abdominal; Aorta; I 1.399 0.749 0.732 0.090 0.4
44 Common Hepatic 6.655 0.269 0.269 0.090 0.4
45 Splenic I 0.395 0.217 0.217 0.054 0.4
46 Left Gastric 9.287 0.151 0.151 0.045 0.4
47 Splenic II 6.440 0.217 0.217 0.054 0.4
48 Superior; Mesenteric 21.640 0.393 0.393 0.069 0.4
49 Abdominal; Aorta; II 0.432 0.732 0.726 0.080 0.4
  1. Renal
2.184 0.271 0.271 0.053 0.4
51 Abdominal; Aorta; III 1.198 0.726 0.711 0.080 0.4
  1. Renal
3.772 0.310 0.310 0.053 0.4
53 Abdominal; Aorta; IV 5.409 0.711 0.643 0.075 0.4
54 Inferior; Mesenteric 9.024 0.208 0.208 0.043 0.4
55 Abdominal; Aorta; V 4.222 0.643 0.590 0.065 0.4
  1. Common; Iliac
7.643 0.450 0.409 0.060 0.4
  1. Common ;Iliac
7.404 0.450 0.409 0.060 0.4
  1. External; Iliac
10.221 0.338 0.319 0.053 0.8
  1. Femoral I
3.159 0.319 0.314 0.050 0.8
  1. Internal; Iliac
7.251 0.282 0.282 0.040 1.6
61 Profunda femoris R 23.839 0.214 0.214 0.040 1.6
  1. Femoral II
31.929 0.314 0.269 0.050 0.8
63 Popliteal R I 13.203 0.269 0.237 0.050 0.8
  1. Anterior ;Tibial
38.622 0.117 0.117 0.039 1.6
65 Popliteal R II 0.880 0.237 0.235 0.039 1.6
66 Tibiofibular trunk R 3.616 0.235 0.235 0.039 1.6
  1. Posterior;Tibial
38.288 0.123 0.123 0.045 1.6
  1. External ;Iliac
10.221 0.338 0.319 0.053 0.8
  1. Femoral I
3.159 0.319 0.314 0.050 0.8
  1. Internal; Iliac
7.251 0.282 0.282 0.040 1.6
71 Profunda femoris L 23.839 0.214 0.214 0.040 1.6
  1. Femoral II
31.929 0.314 0.269 0.050 0.8
73 Popliteal L I 13.203 0.269 0.237 0.050 0.8
  1. Anterior ;Tibial
38.622 0.117 0.117 0.039 1.6
75 Popliteal L II 0.880 0.237 0.235 0.039 1.6
76 Tibiofibular trunk R 3.616 0.235 0.235 0.039 1.6
  1. Posterior;Tibial
38.288 0.123 0.123 0.045 1.6

Detailed representation of human arterial system

As a first step, we define a function that computes the local wave speed with the emprirical relationship presented in Olufsen et al. [Ref12]:

Implementation: Define empirical wave speed relationship

# function to calculate c with empirical relationship
def compute_c(R0, k):
    k1, k2, k3 = k
    return np.sqrt((2/(3.*rho))*(k2*np.exp(k3*R0) + k1))

Before we start with the analysis, we have to read the vessel information from a data file stored somewhere in our computer. In this example, we always use a separate folder with the name "data".

Implementation: Load the segments

filename = "./data/Arterial_Network_ADAN56.txt"
data = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter="&", dtype=np.str)

print " \\\\\n".join([" & ".join(map(str, line)) for line in data])

At the very beginning, we have to define the mesh which in our case is consisted of different elements representing the arterial segments. Each element can be described with an object instance initiated via the class Vessel. The code snipset is as follows:

Implementation: Load the segments

# -------  LOAD ARTERIAL SEGMENTS  ------- #
segments = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    # we append each segment via a Vessel object instance
    # we multiply by 10 to convert to mm
    segments.append(Vessel(name=data[i, 1],
                    L=float(data[i, 2]) * 10.,
                    R_proximal=float(data[i, 3]) * 10.,
                    R_distal=float(data[i, 4]) * 10.,
                    Wall_thickness=float(data[i, 5])*10.,
    # set k vector

In the code block above, we create a list containing all the segments of the arterial tree. Next, we have to define the inlet boundary conditions, where in our case, is an in-vivo interpolated flow waveform in the aortic arch (c.f. figure (Inlet flow prescribed at the root of aortic arch)). We convert the flow to a 4-cycle periodic waveform. The code is as follows:

Implementation: Inlet BCs

# -------  INFLOW (IN VIVO) WAVE  ------- #
invivo_data = np.loadtxt("./data/inflow_Aorta.txt", delimiter=" ")
time_measured = invivo_data[:, 0]
flow_measured = invivo_data[:, 1]*1000. # convert to mm^3/sec

time_periodic, flow_periodic = convert_data_periodic(time_measured,
q_inlet_bc = CubicSpline(time_periodic, flow_periodic)

Inlet flow prescribed at the root of aortic arch

At each terminal vessel, a three element Windkessel parameter model has been prescribed. The parameter are defined via an dictionary where each key corresponds to the vessel Id that the lumped model is applied.

Implementation: Outlet BCs (Windkessel parameters)

# -------  TERMINAL VESSELS  ------- #
terminal_vessels = {5:[18104., 72417., 3.129e-06], 9:[11539., 46155., 4.909e-06],
                    12: [47813., 191252., 1.185e-06], 13:[11749., 46995., 4.821e-06],
                    14: [9391., 37563., 6.032e-06], 15:[5760., 23041., 9.833e-06],
                    18: [9424., 37696., 6.011e-06], 19: [5779., 23118., 9.801e-06],
                    23: [19243., 76972., 2.944e-06], 27: [11332., 45329., 4.998e-06],
                    30: [47986., 191945., 1.180e-06], 31: [11976., 47905., 4.730e-06],
                    32: [249127., 996508., 2.274e-07], 34: [255583., 1022333., 2.216e-07],
                    36: [232434., 929735., 2.437e-07], 38: [234425., 937702., 2.416e-07],
                    43: [3349., 13394., 1.692e-05], 45: [343394., 1373574., 1.650e-07],
                    46: [4733., 18933., 1.197e-05], 47: [2182., 8728., 2.596e-05],
                    49: [2263., 9051., 2.503e-05], 51: [2270., 9082., 2.495e-05],
                    53: [23913., 95652., 2.369e-06], 59: [4146., 16582., 1.366e-05],
                    60: [3427., 13707., 1.653e-05], 63: [24525., 98100., 2.310e-06],
                    66: [21156., 84625., 2.677e-06], 69: [4158., 16632., 1.362e-05],
                    70: [3429., 13715., 1.652e-05], 73: [24533., 98131., 2.309e-06],
                    76: [21166., 84662., 2.676e-06]}

for i in terminal_vessels.keys():
    terminal_vessels[i][0] = terminal_vessels[i][0]*1e-010
    terminal_vessels[i][1] = terminal_vessels[i][1]*1e-010
    terminal_vessels[i][2] = terminal_vessels[i][2]*1e+010

Next, the connectivity of the arterial segment should be defined. Therefore, two lists with vessel connectivity are provided; one for the conjuctions and one for the bifurcations.

Implementation: Segment connectivity

# -------  BIFURCATIONS  ------- #
bif_vessels = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 4], [3, 5, 6], [4, 14, 15],
               [8, 9, 10], [10, 11, 13], [2, 16, 17], [16, 18, 19],
               [17, 20, 21], [20, 23, 24], [26, 27, 28], [28, 29, 31],
               [22, 32, 33], [33, 34, 35], [35, 36, 37], [37, 38, 39],
               [40, 41, 42], [41, 43, 44], [44, 45, 46], [42, 47, 48],
               [48, 49, 50], [50, 51, 52], [52, 53, 54], [54, 55, 56],
               [55, 57, 59], [58, 60, 61], [62, 63, 64], [56, 67, 69],
               [68, 70, 71], [72, 73, 74]]

# -------  CONJUCTIONS  ------- #
conj_points = [[6, 7], [7, 8], [11, 12], [24, 25], [25, 26], [29, 30],
               [21, 22], [39, 40], [57, 58], [61, 62], [64, 65], [65, 66],
               [67, 68], [71, 72], [74, 75], [75, 76]]

To create the mesh instance, we use the "Vessel Network" class as follows:

Implementation: Create mesh

# create the Arterial Network domain/mesh
Nx = None
vesssel_network = VesselNetwork(vessels=segments,
                                rho=rho, Re=0.,
                                p0=p0, dx=4.5, Nx=Nx)

In order to discretise the segments, first, we calculate the following quantity

\[\tag{77} min \left( \frac{dx}{max(|\lambda_i|)} \right)\]

Implementation: Calculate CFL

# check CFL and set dx accordingly
siz_ves = len(vesssel_network.vessels)
compare_l_c0 = []
for i in range(siz_ves):
    c_max = np.max(compute_c(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r0, k))
    A = np.pi*(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r_prox*vesssel_network.vessels[i].r_prox)
    compare_l_c0.append(vesssel_network.vessels[i].length / c_max)

min_value = min(compare_l_c0)
index_min_value = np.argmin(compare_l_c0)
print("The min length to wave speed radio has been computed to Vessel: '%s' " % vesssel_network.vessels[index_min_value].name)

# Nx_i = 1
min_time = []
for i in range(siz_ves):
    Nx_i = 4*np.floor((vesssel_network.vessels[i].length / compute_c(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r_prox, k))/(min_value))
    dx_i = vesssel_network.vessels[i].length / Nx_i
    vesssel_network.vessels[i].dx = dx_i
    min_time.append(dx_i / np.max(compute_c(vesssel_network.vessels[i].r0, k)))

# calculate dt according to a given CFL
CFL = 0.5
dt = CFL * (min(min_time))

The next step is to define the form of the PDE system along with the BCs:

Implementation: Create PDEs and BCs instances

# PDEs #
myPDEs = PDEsWat(vesssel_network)
# # BCS #
myBCs = ADANBC(myPDEs, q_inlet_bc.eval_spline)
U0_vessel = np.array([0],
UL_vessel = np.array(terminal_vessels.keys())
UBif_vessel = np.array(bif_vessels)
UConj_vessel = np.array(conj_points)

Implementation: Solve

# create Solver instance, here we use MacCormack
mySolver = BloodWaveMacCormack(myBCs)
mySolver.set_T(dt=dt, T=T, no_cycles=tc)
mySolver.set_BC(U0_vessel, UL_vessel, UBif_vessel, UConj_vessel)
mySolver.solve(casename, myCallback)

Results/Discussion (2)

When the solution is stored into a result file, pylseWave can convert it to a VTK file.

Result videos can be produced in Paraview as:


Radius, pressure, flow and velocity of the simulated model

There are several post-processing capabilities that can be implemented in pylseWave. However, we stick to more general methods here and we use classes that just extract the principal solution fields from the result files.

Implementation: Solve

# import the class for result extraction
from pylsewave.postprocessing import ExtractUVectors

# load all the results
myodbf = ExtractUVectors(iresfile)
# extract A, q, p_b, u_b of certain vessel at specific heart cycle
# and interpolate with a given resolution
A_b, q_b, p_b, u_b = myodbf.getUVector(vessel_no=i, cycle=4, no_points=no_points)

Then, with the use of matplotlib library we can create a lot of different plots. Figure (Pressure and flow for certain vessels) depicts the pressure and flow waveforms at certain vessels (for a cardiac cycle).


Pressure and flow for certain vessels

Similar 3D plots can be created depicting the spatial and temporal variation of pulse pressure, area, velocity and flow (see Figure (Pressure, area, flow and velocity temporal/spatial variation in brachial artery)).


Pressure, area, flow and velocity temporal/spatial variation in brachial artery

An important clinical metric is pulse wave velocity which can be extracted from the so-called "PU Loop". Figure (Pressure, area, flow and velocity temporal/spatial variation in brachial artery) depicts different loops that the PWV can be calculated.


Pressure, area, flow and velocity temporal/spatial variation in brachial artery